Discover Your Adventure: For the Adventurers

India & Nepal with Chris
Renata Faeth

Travel Advisor: Chris Anderson
Personal Interest:  Ancient History and Architecture
Destination: India and Nepal

AAA Minneapolis Travel Advisor Chris Anderson relishes the quest for the hard-to find. He seeks out the exotic and unfamiliar, the true essence of a place, and he discovered this joy by taking trips to faraway places all over the globe - including a recent tour of Egypt, which he describes as “one of the most amazing experiences of my life.”

Anderson is keen on a post-pandemic adventure to a destination that celebrates both his personal interests and fearless travel style. As a former University of Minnesota student of Architecture/Art of Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism, he has had India on his bucket list for years. It’s a great fit; India can be whirlwind of sensory impact, and it’s also rich in architectural masterpieces, sacred Hindu and Buddhist Temples, and artistic treasures dating back to the 11th century. 

A tour of India offers guests vibrant contrasts: powerful moments observing ancient holy rituals complemented by the chaotic rhythms of crowded spice markets and bustling bazaars. In Anderson’s case, he might indulge in his love for local artistry in a village known for skilled weavers, where colorful embroidery used in the finest saris is produced. Perhaps he will tour a school where classes are taught in Sanskrit, one of the world’s oldest languages. He can visit the City Palace of Jaipur, where mogul paintings and carvings reflect the opulence of past dynasties, and Agra, to see the magnificent Taj Mahal, illuminated in the early sunrise. The opportunities are endless, and sure to be yet another amazing life experience.

Interested in exploring on roads less traveled? Chris welcomes inquiries! He can be reached at, or Book an Appointment with Chris online!