Bike Traffic Safety for Cyclists & Drivers

AAA Minneapolis

Did you know that more than half a million collisions between motor vehicles and bicycles occur in the United States each year? It’s up to each of us to help change the culture and make the roads a safer place for drivers and cyclists alike.

Quick Bicycle Safety Statistics

  • If all bicyclists wore helmets, one life could be saved every day; one head injury could be prevented every 4 minutes.
  • Almost half of all bicycle crashes occur on driveways and sidewalks.

Tips for Cyclists

  • Make sure your bike is sized for your body.
  • Always wear proper attire—helmet, closed-toe shoes and bright clothing that won’t get caught are all appropriate.
  • Obey all the traffic laws motor vehicles are expected to follow.
  • Use hand signals while biking and check for vehicles and pedestrians before changing lanes or turning.
  • If your bike breaks down, or you get a flat tire, you can call AAA Minneapolis for Bike Roadside Assistance.

Tips for Drivers

  • Double check for cyclists and pedestrians before turning into or out of driveways, or crossing sidewalks and intersections.
  • Slow down when passing a cyclist and give at least 3 feet of clearance or even more if traveling at higher speeds.
  • If a cyclist signals that they are changing lanes or turning, give them enough room to safely do so.

For information on sharing the road, ensuring your bike and helmet fit properly, hand signals, or the AAA Bicycle service, visit