Discover Your Adventure: For the Explorers

Renata Faeth

Travel Advisor: Susan Sabie
Personal Interest: Hiking and exploring
Destination: Iceland

AAA Travel Advisor Susan Sabie’s colleagues describe her as the lighthearted soul of the office.  She’s the co-worker who coordinates birthday cards, holiday decorations, and Halloween dress-ups, and every now and then brings in a batch of homemade Oreo® truffles, just because.

To Sabie, life itself is an adventure, so it’s fitting that she spends her workdays planning them for others.  When it comes to her own personal travel, she’s open to anything.  She’s climbed several of Colorado’s highest mountain peaks, taken a midnight ATV ride in Alaska and biked down a mountain at sunrise in Maui. She’s ziplined and parasailed, snorkeled and repelled, all in the spirit of “I’m here, and it’s now or never.”

An avid hiker, she tries to find a trailhead on every trip, even a luxury cruise.  While in Alaska, she and her husband Jonathan trekked a lower portion of Skagway’s famous Chilkoot Pass, and along Argentina’s coast, they navigated a rugged trail in the Tierra del Fuego National Park at the southern tip of the continent.

Like her loyal travel clients, Sabie has her eye on a day – hopefully soon – when she can explore a new frontier.  “A walking tour of Iceland is at the top of my wish list,” she says. These journeys cover about 4-7 miles daily on foot at an easy pace, plus motor coach travel between regions, with non-stop breathtaking shaped over millennia by geologic activity. This small but mighty island in the northern Atlantic is sparsely populated, but rich in natural beauty; its mountainous backdrop towers over glacial rivers and waterfalls, geothermal pools, black sand beaches and vast volcanic lava fields.

Just the right environment for fearless globe-trotters like Sabie.

If you’re ready to start planning  your next adventure in 2021 and beyond, contact Susan Sabie at