Make the AAA PROMise

Madisun VanGundy

Teenagers constantly face social pressure to drink. Encourage your teenager to be safe by asking them to make the AAA PROMise.

Why make the PROMise?

  • AAA PROMise encourages young drivers and their parents to talk about the dangers of underage drinking, drug use and impaired driving, especially during prom and graduation season, when many teen-related crashes occur.
  • AAA PROMise is designed to protect all motorists on the roadways from impaired drivers.

What Is the AAA PROMise?

  • AAA PROMise asks teens to make the adult decision to not drink alcohol or take drugs, drive impaired or get in a car with someone whose sobriety is in question.
  • AAA PROMise reinforces the parent-teen relationship by fostering a predetermined agreement that if a teen needs help getting home safely, he or she can call a parent for a safe ride home and not risk ending up in jail, a hospital or worse.
  • Together, AAA and parents create a solid defense against the detrimental consequences of impaired driving.
  • The teen makes the following promise to his or her parents before celebrating on prom and graduation night:
    ✓ I promise not to drink alcohol or take drugs.
    ✓ I promise not to drive impaired.
    ✓ I promise not to let my friends drive impaired.
    ✓ I promise my parents I will get home safely.

How to Participate

All high school students in the coverage area can visit to order a free AAA PROMise toolkit, worth more than $200.