Happy Everything!

Jesse Simon

This is the time of year when Mother Nature starts testing the resolve of Minnesotans. As the temperature takes a nosedive and the days become shorter, we begin preparing ourselves for months of cold and snow. Winter jackets emerge from the basements, snowblowers replace lawnmowers and ice scrapers get moved from the garage to our vehicles. The weather and preparation for winter can be difficult for even the hardiest of Minnesotans, but this is also the time of year to be happy about so many things!

With that in mind, I wanted to wish you a happy everything this year! Why happy everything? Because there is so much to celebrate during this season. For those who celebrate Kwanzaa, Christmas, Chanukah or even Festivus, I wish you the happiest of holidays. If you love to shop during the holidays, then I would like to be the first to wish you happy shopping this year—may you find everything on your shopping list to be on sale this season. If you love football, then this is the best time of year for you, too. I wish you a happy football season, and may your favorite team win by 10 touchdowns (yes, even the Packers...sigh). For those who love to celebrate with great food and gatherings, I wish you happy eating! May your plates be filled with an abundance of your favorite foods.

Whatever makes you happy, I hope you can celebrate the season with your family and loved ones. On behalf of the staff at Live|Play|AAA, I hope you have a fantastic and happy holiday season this year.

Happy everything!

Jesse Simon
Senior Manager, Marketing & Communications
Managing Editor, Live|Play|AAA