National Minnesota Day!

Jesse Simon

As managing editor of Live Play AAA, my job is to ensure we produce relevant, timely content that helps you stay informed and inspired. I often look to the calendar, or the internet, to determine what matters to readers and when. That was what led me to the National Day Calendar. This directory captures all the fun and weird “National Days,” like Love Your Pet Day (2/20), National Chili Day (2/26), National Cereal Day (3/4), Pi Day (3/14), and National Unicorn Day (4/9). I don’t know who decides such things, but I admire their passion and creativity.

I searched the calendar and discovered that March 1 is National Minnesota Day! I am not sure how or where this came from, but I feel like March 1 is a fitting date. It is likely to be cold and snowy, and a perfect day to celebrate our great state. I will be greeting people with “Happy National Minnesota Day” when the day arrives and do so while being Minnesota Nice.

We have great content in this issue of Live Play AAA. In our cover story, Renata Faeth profiles national parks that offer beautiful scenery without the large crowds. To help celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the School Safety Patrol, Raya Garrison captures the program's history and impact on the community. For you lake lovers and road trippers, check out Liv Martin’s review of Midwest lake towns. And don’t miss Raya’s list of “Pandemic Purchases,” highlighting some of the consumer trends we’ve observed since the pandemic began.

I hope you have a happy National Minnesota Day!

Jesse Simon
Senior Manager, Marketing & Communications
Managing Editor, Live Play AAA